Track Categories

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The study of biochemical components present in a cell or other biological material is known as analytical biochemistry. Separation, quantification, identification and functional characterization of biological molecules are all methodologies used in this scientific area. These approaches are commonly used in biology for pharmaceutical product research, development, and quality control. There are two types of analytical chemistry methods: classical or wet chemical methods and modern, instrumental approaches


Medicinal chemistry is the science of creating and synthesizing molecules with the goal of improving them and turning them into new drugs for treating diseases. It's an interdisciplinary field with roots in organic chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, among other areas. The chemical subject of medicinal chemistry, sometimes known as pharmaceutical chemistry, is concerned with the design, development, and synthesis of pharmaceutical medications. To identify, develop, and synthesize chemical agents with a therapeutic purpose, as well as to analyze the qualities of existing medications, the discipline integrates skills from chemistry and pharmacology.


Chemical substances or materials that are made and used on a very small scale are known as nanomaterials. Nano materials are created to have unique properties compared to materials that do not have Nano scale features, such as greater strength, chemical reactivity, or conductivity. Nanoparticles exist in nature and can be made from a range of materials, including carbon or minerals like silver, although nanomaterial must have at least one dimension of fewer than 100 nanometers by definition. The majority of Nano scale materials are too small to be seen with the naked eye or even with standard lab microscopes. Built nanomaterial’s (ENMs) are materials that have been engineered to such a small scale that they can take on unique optical, magnetic, electrical, and other properties. These emergent features have the potential to have huge implications in fields such as electronics, medicine, and others.


Structural chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the spatial structures of molecules and solids (in their gaseous, liquid, or solid states) (with extended structures that cannot be subdivided into molecules).

The major challenges are to (a) formulate basic laws for structure-property interactions and (b) derive general guidelines for how the chemical and physical properties of matter constituents determine the structures that result (e.g., the relationship between the symmetry of the resulting crystal lattice and the electron configuration of the crystal building blocks).


Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that studies the operation and design of chemical facilities, as well as strategies for increasing output. Chemical engineers design cost-effective commercial techniques for transforming raw materials into usable goods. Chemists, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, and economists employ chemical engineering principles to efficiently use, create, design, transport, and transform energy and materials. Chemical engineers' work can span from small-scale laboratory experiments with nanotechnology and nanomaterial’s to large-scale industrial processes that convert chemicals, energy, raw materials, living cells and microbes into useful forms and products. Chemical engineers are in high demand due to the enormous number of sectors that rely on chemical and material synthesis and processing. Chemical engineers have increased prospects in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electronic device fabrication, and environmental engineering, in addition to traditional professions in the chemical, energy, and oil industries.


Chemistry is a branch of science that studies matter, its compositions, properties, and reactivity with other substances. The term "matter" refers to something that has mass and occupies space. Everything that is physically present around us is formed of matter. The foundation of matter, ranging from atoms, molecules, compounds, and measuring units of matter, is spelled out in Chemistry. Chemistry is a discipline that falls somewhere between many other branches of science in terms of its scope. This explains its significance in other fields of science. At a fundamental level, chemistry provides a framework for understanding both the fundamental and applied scientific fields.

We live in a world that is always changing and unpredictable. Traditional systems, structures, and ways of working have undergone significant changes as a result of technological, scientific, and societal advancements, and exciting new opportunities are developing. These developments are altering the nature of chemistry as a science, chemists' roles, and the environment in which we work.


Chemical reaction engineering has made a significant contribution to the commercialization of laboratory-developed chemistry. Reaction engineering can be used to analyze reactions, identify rate-limiting processes, calculate overall rates, choose reactor configurations, and design and scale-up reactors. Insights into catalytic cycles and clues for optimizing catalyst systems can also be gained through reaction engineering. Chemical reactions are fundamental to the transformation of molecules from basic materials to useful products and energy. Many of these changes rely on catalysis, which leads to more efficient and environmentally friendly processing methods. Catalysts are complicated materials that must meet a number of criteria on a variety of scales in order to be used in catalytic processes. For this, an integrated approach is needed, one that considers sustainability and scalability while combining modeling and experiments, catalysis science, and chemical engineering.


The study of chemical processes within and pertaining to live beings is known as biochemistry or biological chemistry. Biochemistry is categorized into three fields: structural biology, enzymology, and metabolism. It is a sub-discipline of both chemistry and biology. Biochemistry has proven successful at understanding life processes through these three disciplines in the later decades of the twentieth century. Biochemical methods and study are being used to explore and develop almost every aspect of the biological sciences. Applied Biochemistry


Organometallic chemistry is defined as the scientific study of organometallic compounds, which are chemical compounds with at least one chemical bonding between a carbon atom of an organic molecule and a metal, such as alkali, alkaline earth, and transition metals, as well as metalloids such as boron, silicon, and selenium. Aside from connections to organyl fragments or molecules, organometallic linkages to 'inorganic' carbon, such as carbon monoxide (metal carbonyls), cyanide, or carbide, are also common. Organometallic compounds are widely used as stoichiometric catalysts in research and industrial chemical reactions, as well as in the role of catalysts to increase the rates of such reactions (e.g., in homogeneous catalysis), with target molecules including polymers, pharmaceuticals, and a wide range of other practical products.


The study of electricity and how it affects chemical reactions is known as electrochemistry. Electricity is generated in electrochemistry by the passage of electrons from one element to another in a redox or oxidation-reduction reaction. The study of chemical reactions that cause electrons to move is known as electrochemistry. The movement of electrons is known as electricity, and it can be generated by moving electrons from one element to another in an oxidation-reduction ("redox") reaction. Electrochemistry is a truly multidisciplinary discipline with applications in a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological fields. Electrochemistry is a discipline and an industry based on physicochemical phenomena that occur when electrical and chemical energy exchanges collide in a reactive scheme.


The study of reactions, origins, transport, effects, and the fates of all chemical species present in the soil, water, and air environments, as well as the influence of technology on them, is referred to as environmental chemistry. The scientific study of biochemical and chemical events that occur in natural settings is known as environmental chemistry. Environmental chemistry is a research field that encompasses more than just air, water, soil, and chemicals. This field employs a variety of methodologies from biology, arithmetic, genetics, engineering, hydrology, toxicology, and other fields to help find answers to all environmental concerns. Environmental chemistry encompasses features of analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry, as well as a wide range of other disciplines such as epidemiology, public health, biochemistry, biology, and toxicology. Environmental chemists are in charge of figuring out how the unpolluted environment works and developing environmentally friendly methods of development.


The term "forensic" comes from the Latin word "forensis," which refers to a public forum or discussion. The application of chemistry and its subspecialty, forensic toxicology, in a legal situation is known as forensic chemistry. Unknown materials collected at a crime scene can be identified with the help of a forensic scientist. To help identify unknown compounds, experts in this discipline use a variety of methodologies and devices. Investigators can use forensic chemists' analyses to get answers and validate or disprove their assumptions. The identification of the numerous compounds discovered at the site can help investigators figure out what they should be looking for during their search.

Clinical chemistry (sometimes referred to as chemical pathology, clinical biochemistry, or medical biochemistry) is a branch of chemistry that deals with the examination of body fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is a type of biochemistry that is employed in practice.


Plate tectonics and seafloor spreading, turbidity currents, sediments, pH levels, atmospheric elements, metamorphic activity, and ecology all influence ocean chemistry, also known as marine chemistry. Chemical oceanography is the study of the chemistry of marine habitats, including the effects of various variables. Marine ecosystems are sensitive to changes in ocean chemistry, and marine life has evolved to the chemistries specific to the earth's seas. Human activity has had a growing impact on the chemistry of the earth's oceans, with pollution from industry and diverse land-use patterns having a considerable impact on the oceans.

Geochemistry is a field of Earth Science that uses chemical principles to learn more about the Earth system and other planets' systems. Geochemists see the Earth as a collection of separate spheres — rocks, fluids, gases, and biological — that exchange matter and energy throughout time. The study of the processes that influence the amount, composition, and distribution of chemical compounds and isotopes in geologic environments is also known as geochemistry. In terms of the themes it covers and the methodologies it employs, geochemistry is a vast and intriguing discipline.


Industrial chemistry is a discipline of chemistry that involves the use of physical and chemical processes to turn raw materials into products that benefit humanity. This covers the production of basic chemicals for use in a variety of industries. Industrial chemistry can be defined as a field that creates synthetic alternatives to natural products. The chemical industry is made up of businesses that make industrial chemicals. It turns basic materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals) into over 70,000 different products, making it a vital part of the modern world economy. Industrial chemistry is a discipline of chemistry concerned with the use of chemistry in various industries and the manufacturing of chemicals and pharmaceuticals.


Food chemistry is the study of all biological and non-biological components of foods' chemical processes and interactions. Meat, poultry, vegetables, beer, and milk are just a few examples of biological materials. It comprises areas like as water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavors, and colours, and is comparable to biochemistry in terms of its main components such as carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. This field also includes how products change as a result of various food processing procedures, as well as ways to improve or prevent this from happening. Food chemistry is concerned with the chemical structure and properties of food constituents, as well as the chemical changes that occur in food. The ability of food chemistry to counteract the effects of disintegration and spoilage, as well as extend the shelf life of foods, is crucial. Various household compounds, such as common salt in pickles, chutneys, and sauces, aid in food preservation.


Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-containing molecules' structure, characteristics, composition, reactions, and manufacture. The most common elements in organic compounds are carbon and hydrogen, although they can also contain a variety of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur). Organic chemistry is a very creative science in which chemists are able to develop and investigate molecules and compounds..

The study of the synthesis and behaviour of inorganic and organometallic compounds is known as inorganic chemistry. This topic encompasses non-carbon-based chemical substances, which are the focus of organic chemistry. The distinction between the two fields is not absolute, as the sub discipline of organometallic chemistry has a lot of overlap. The behaviour of these molecules, as well as their qualities, physical and chemical characteristics, are studied in inorganic chemistry. Lists of inorganic compounds include all elements of the periodic table except carbon and hydrogen.


The scientific world is divided into numerous domains, each with its own set of traits and goals. Petrochemistry is one of the most significant branches, although its long name often causes confusion. Simply put, Petrochemistry is a discipline of chemistry concerned with the transformation of crude oil and natural gas into raw materials and other valuable products. Such resources are now considered an essential component of the modern economy, making Petrochemistry a highly valued topic. It's crucial to grasp what petroleum is and where it comes from before diving into the topic of Petrochemistry. Natural changes in organic materials have formed petroleum, which has accumulated beneath the earth's surface over millions of years. Petroleum-rich places are typically found in settings where retention is possible, such as porous sandstones.


Physical chemists study the physical properties of atoms and molecules, as well as the mechanisms behind chemical processes and what these properties disclose. Physical chemistry is a discipline of chemistry that deals with material interactions and changes. Unlike other divisions, it focuses on the physics principles that underpin all chemical interactions (e.g., gas laws), with the goal of quantifying, correlating, and explaining response quantitative features. Physical chemistry is a great field for chemists who are interested in how things work at the atomic level and appreciate working with lab equipment and machines.

The study of theoretical chemistry uses quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and statistical mechanics to explain the structures and dynamics of chemical systems, as well as to correlate, interpret, and forecast their thermodynamic and kinetic properties. The study of chemical structure and the study of chemical dynamics are generally divided in modern theoretical chemistry.


Polymer chemistry is a branch of science that studies polymers and macromolecules' chemical production, structure, and chemical and physical properties. Polymer chemistry principles and methods can be used to a variety of other chemistry sub-disciplines such as organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and physical chemistry. Polymeric structures can be found in a wide range of materials, from totally inorganic metals and ceramics to DNA and other biological molecules; nevertheless, polymer chemistry is most commonly associated with synthetic, organic compositions. Polymer chemistry opens up a fascinating universe of structures with a variety of architectures, compositions, and functions. As polymer chemistry progresses, many of the opportunities and problems that lie ahead will revolve around the assembling or production of higher-order objects.


A natural product, in the broadest sense, is anything that is produced by life, including biotic materials (such as wood and silk), bio-based materials (such as bio plastics and corn starch), bodily fluids (such as milk and plant exudates), and other natural materials that were once found in living organisms (e.g., soil, coal). Any organic substance generated by a living organism is a more stringent definition of a natural product. Natural goods have a high structural diversity and distinctive pharmacological or biological actions as a result of hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection and evolutionary processes that have influenced their utility. Analytical Characterization of Natural Products


Supramolecular chemistry deals with "ordered entities that come from the association of two or more chemical species held together by intermolecular forces" and is defined as "the chemistry of molecular assemblies and of the intermolecular link." Supramolecular chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies chemical systems with a finite number of molecules. The forces responsible for the system's spatial organization can range from mild intermolecular forces, electrostatic charge, or hydrogen bonding to strong covalent bonding, as long as the electronic coupling strength is moderate in comparison to the component's energy parameters. Noncovalent interactions between small molecules are used in supramolecular chemistry to self-assemble molecular structures.

Surface chemistry is the discipline of chemistry that studies chemical reactions and changes that occur at the interface of two phases, such as solid – gas, solid – liquid, liquid – gas, and so on. Surface chemistry has a wide range of applications in analytical work, medicine, and the paint industry, to name a few.


Transition metals are described as elements with partially full d orbitals (or that readily form them). The d-block (groups 3–11) and f-block element elements are among them. Transition metals have a wide range of properties due to their complicated valence shells. Unlike most main group metals, which only have one oxidation state, transition metals have a valence shell structure that allows them to exist in multiple stable oxidation states. Compounds contain lots of transition elements are known for being brightly coloured. The d-orbitals absorb light of various energies as visible light passes through a transition metal complex dissolved in water. A clearly coloured solution is produced when visible light of a certain energy level is not absorbed.


Computational techniques are used in computer-aided drug design to find, develop, and study drugs and other physiologically active compounds. The ligand-based computer-aided drug discovery (LB-CADD) method examines ligands that have been shown to interact with a target of interest. Computer-aided drug design (CADD) is a broad term that refers to a variety of theoretical and computational methodologies used in modern drug development. CADD approaches have aided in the creation of medications that are currently in use or are through clinical testing. Along with the experimental procedures employed in drug creation, such methods have emerged and evolved. Millions of drug compounds (virtual screening) and drug targets (protein receptors, enzymes, kinases, signaling proteins, and so on) can be screened using CADD.


Pharmaceutical chemistry is a field of chemistry that studies organic chemistry (molecules and compounds) in conjunction with structural and chemical biology and pharmacology in order to develop pharmaceutical drugs and therapies. The design (drug design) and synthesis of physiologically active compounds is the focus of pharmaceutical (medicinal) chemistry. The goal is to obtain new chemical molecules that can be used to find new pharmaceuticals or to improve existing drug structures, hence expanding the chemical drug portfolio. The introduction of molecular biology changed pharmacokinetics (the study of how a drug and its metabolites behave in the body) and pharmacodynamics (the study of how a drug and its metabolites behave in the body). The development of computer techniques and approaches in molecular modeling approaches, as well as advances in analytical evaluation of new molecules, have all considerably broadened the reach and use of pharmaceutical chemistry, allowing for the development of a wider array of innovative drugs with new therapeutic potential.


Environmental chemistry is associated with the impact of polluting chemicals on the natural resources, green or sustainable chemistry focuses on the impact of environmental factors or attributes with respect to chemistry, reduction in the consumption of conventional resources and technological solutions for preventing pollution.

Both the concepts are different from each other

Green chemistry, also termed as sustainable chemistry is that branch of chemical sciences that emphasizes on design of chemical processes and products that minimize generation of hazardous chemical substances.

Environmental chemistry is the branch of science that involves the study of biochemical processes that occur in nature. It involves the understanding of how the uncontaminated environment works, and which naturally occurring chemicals are present, in what concentrations and with what effects.


Pure chemistry is the study of what something is, while applied chemistry is the application of that knowledge to a specific aim. The fundamentals of chemistry are pure chemistry and organic chemistry. Only knowing why or what something is more important than knowing what you can do with it. Pure chemistry is concerned with the question of "why is this that way" or "how does this operate," and seeks to answer it.

Applied chemistry is a branch of science concerned with understanding the fundamental chemical properties of materials and developing novel materials with precise uses. The practice of applying past knowledge to attain a goal is known as applied chemistry. Consider applied chemistry as the study and application of information with the objective of assisting (or potentially harming) people or the environment.


Nuclear Chemistry and radiochemistry is a broad field, with applications and applications in a wide range of fields. Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies how elements' nuclei change over time. Radioactivity and nuclear power are produced by these changes. Because radioactivity is linked to nuclear power generation, the disposal of radioactive waste that goes along with it, and some medical procedures, everyone should have a basic understanding of radioactivity and nuclear evolutions in order to determine and discuss the issue wisely and effectively.

The study of chemical transformations of radioactive substances, dealing with trans uranium and actinides elements, solving radioecology problems, development of physicochemical principles for handling radioactive waste from nuclear power engineering, developing methods for manufacturing sources of radioactive emissions, and separation of radioactive isotopes are all part of the field of radiochemistry. “Radiation chemistry” is concerned with the study of chemical transformations caused by ionizing radiation, as well as the study of radiation-chemical processes, the development of methods for predicting the radiation resistance of various materials, and the development of methods to protect them from destruction.


Agricultural chemistry is a branch of science that studies how to impact chemical and biochemical processes in soil and plants, as well as plant mineral nutrition and the use of fertilizers and other chemical methods to boost fertility and yield. It also covers a variety of different methods for increasing production, such as herbicides and growth stimulants, and serves as the scientific foundation for introducing chemical processes into agriculture. Agricultural chemistry shares goals, techniques, and research issues with both chemical and biological sciences. The relation between plants, animals, and the environment is stressed in agricultural chemistry in order to better the agricultural sector. A biochemist uses strategies to improve the production, protection, and use of animals and crops using their knowledge of biochemistry.


Organic, inorganic, materials, and even biological sciences are all covered under synthetic chemistry. Chemical synthesis makes use of the elements' intrinsic reactivity to build increasingly sophisticated molecular architectures by carefully executing chemical reactions. Synthesis-trained chemists employ their skills to produce new types of matter. Synthetic chemistry is the study of the relationship between organic molecule structure and reactivity. In pharmaceutical research and development, chemical synthesis is crucial.


Clinical chemistry (sometimes referred to as chemical pathology, clinical biochemistry, or medical biochemistry) is a branch of chemistry that deals with the examination of body fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is a type of biochemistry that is employed in practice. The biochemical analysis of body fluids is referred to as clinical chemistry. It determines the amounts of various chemical components in physiological fluids through chemical processes. Different molecules in blood and urine, the most often examined specimens in clinical chemistry, are detected and quantified using a variety of simple chemical tests.


Organic synthesis is a subset of chemical synthesis that deals with the deliberate creation of organic molecules. Organic molecules are frequently more complicated than inorganic compounds, and their synthesis has evolved into one of organic chemistry's most important disciplines. Within the broad field of organic synthesis, there are several major research areas. Organic synthesis entails one or more stages for manufacturing chemicals from easily available starting components. Designing synthetic paths to a molecule is at the heart of organic synthesis.